Last year the London Festival of Architecture held over 600 events and reached an audience of over 400,000 people. All of this would not be possible without the help and support of the wider profession. The Festival is a not-for-profit organisation and depends on our network of supporters to help us deliver and, crucially, fund the festival.
Membership of our Festival 500 Club is an accessible and philanthropic way for architecture practices – big and small – to support the festival. The LFA 500 Club allows architecture practices to become closely involved in the life of the festival and take advantage of a range of promotional benefits.
The concept is simple: £500 +VAT per year buys membership of the Festival 500 Club for two named individuals in your company and provides valuable support for the LFA’s work.
Membership benefits include invitations to exclusive LFA events and networking opportunities, and the prestigious LFA Opening Party. Those members who are arranging festival activity will gain enhanced promotion as part of the LFA’s own PR and communications programme. Members can use the LFA Festival 500 Club logo for marketing and branding purposes, and will be listed on the LFA website and via our social media channels.
But more than that, your practice will join a growing group philanthropic firms helping to support our vital work celebrating the work of architects to the government, clients and the public.
You can sign up or renew online here or by downloading this form and returning it by post or email. Or give us a call on 0207 299 1280.