Staying Local

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There’s such a brilliant range in LFA2016 : I want to cram in as much as possible so the best way to do that is to stay local. I’m lucky to see Denys Lasdun’s iconic building every day [The National Theatre] and I don’t have to go very far to learn about, and see, more inspiring design. Architect Steve Tompkins, will be just down the road in the Coin Street Community Centre [ June 16 ].  Howarth Tompkins were the architects of both that building and the ‘NTFuture’ scheme which we’ll show case in our tours that run through the month.

I’m also looking forward to ‘Behind the South Bank’ [ June 12 ] because of the interesting recent history, including the Coin Street story, which is also  represented at the Oxo Tower [ June 16].  South of the river isn’t all about construction and concrete, though.  I’ll be checking out developments at local farms ( who knew ! ) in Vauxhall and Waterloo [ June  23  and 25 ] In 1966 Ian Nairn ( featured in bfi ‘Architecture on TV ‘ 13 June ) thought that the South Bank was an ‘untidy compound of commerce and culture’.  Today, I’d say its vibrant mix of  ‘community and creativity’.   All of which is show-cased this June.

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